Helpful resources available for allied health professionals

By sharing information about our specialty of ophthalmology with our medical and allied health care colleagues, we hope to strengthen our collaborative efforts for improved care of our mutual patients.

Helpful resources will be updated regularly.


The Future of Eye Health Care in Manitoba - A Discussion Paper
Envisioned by EPSOM - April 9, 2023

For Doctors:

List of commonly used acronyms
Collected by Dr. Alanna Flynn in March, 2018

Emergency Eye Care Manual
Developed by Dr Ian Clark, Dept of Ophthalmology, University of Manitoba

For Patients:

See the Possibilities videos from the Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS)

Cataract surgeon and EPSOM member, Dr. David Camoriano, created this short video to help us understand the plight of patients living with dense cataracts and experiencing long wait times due to the surgical backlog.

Unite Interactive